Sunday, January 22, 2012

Well, this is not what I was hoping for.

It seems that, since losing my job, I have gained a little over 10 pounds. That might not sound like a huge deal but I have been struggling with my weight my entire life. My weight fluctuates so much that I can't usually keep up with it. After starting the factory, it stayed pretty steady. I guess I assumed I would gain some weight after I lost my job. That was kind of a given. I was lifting, twisting, bending, turning, etc. for 8 hours a day. Obviously I'm not going to be doing that at home. I had accepted that.

But what the fuck. I've been eating pretty decently, lately. It's cold outside all of the time and, being an asthmatic, it's hard for me to do too much out when it's like this. It's so frustrating. I am very frustrated at this point.

Also, unemployment is going horribly and finding a job is going even worse.

If I knew another language, I would swear in that language right now.

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